
  • Data can be found in [Huggingface], including descriptive captions for 3D objects in Objaverse and ABO, along with Objaverse's point clouds, rendered images, and Shap-E latent codes.
  • Our code for rendering, captioning, and finetuning text-to-3D models are released in [Github]
  • Some fine-trained model checkpoints can be found in [Huggingface].
  • More captioning examples can be found in [Link].


Cap3D provides detailed descriptions of 3D objects by leveraging pretrained models in captioning, alignment, and LLM to consolidate multi-view information.

Figure 1: Example captioning results by Cap3D.

Table 1: Human evaluations revealed Cap3D surpasses crowdsourced annotation in efficiency, cost, and speed.

Our proposed method, Cap3D, employs a four-step process. First, we render a set of 2D views for each 3D object. Next, we apply image captioning to achieve preliminary descriptions. As these captions may contain inaccuracies, an image-text alignment model, CLIP, is introduced in the third step to rectify errors. Finally, an LLM is employed to unify captions from various perspectives, creating a comprehensive caption. This process is shown in Figure 2 and detailed below.

Figure 2: Overview of Cap3D pipeline.

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